Skin Brightening Products
Q.) Which products can be used to brighten the skin, such as for treating melasma, sun spots, or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH)?
A.) We can't guarantee any given product will brighten your skin tone. Determining that has a lot to do with many factors including genetics, damage, type of damage, type of scarring - all of these aspects can be very different from person to person. We have a lot of success in supporting skin tone and helping to even the completion with a few of our products.
First the Cacao Antioxidant Mask - this product stimulates blood circulation and helps purify and brighten the skin.
Next, our Active Enzyme Exfoliator has been shown to help brighten and support skin with anti-inflammatory herbal extracts.
Finally, our Daily Acid Toner is an excellent daily treatment to help brighten skin. The results are quite impressive and the product also stimulates collagen and many have remarked on its ability to lighten pigmentation in premarket testing.
Those are the three products I suggest. Also, what you need depends on what phase in your routine needs a new product. Making sure you are wearing daily SPF and hydration and moisture levels are effectively restored and reinforced is the foundation of protecting the structure of the skin.